.. og er hodestups forelsket! Vel, riktignok fant jeg ham ikke, men idet Gartneren viste ham til meg var jeg umiddelbart betatt. Noe så vakkert, rått, herlig, fabelaktig og flott! Han balanserer melankolien på vakre vers og nydelige nynninger. Tekstene er velskrevet og vitner om levd liv mens tonene fra piano og gitar omfavner dem og lager dem større. Den ru stemmen lager like fint blues som den lager jazz og mens stemningen min i kvelden endrer seg finner jeg sanger og Tom endrer seg sammen med den.
Når jeg gjør meg klar til sengs nynner Waits på balladene som enhver pike skulle ønske var skrevet til dem og jeg nynner med når han synger I hope that I don`t fall in love with you mens jeg gleder meg over at det er akkurat det jeg har gjort...
Well I hope that I don't fall in love with you
'Cause falling in love just makes me blue,
Well the music plays and you display
Your heart for me to see,
I had a beer and now I hear you
Calling out for me
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you.
Well the room is crowded, people everywhere
And I wonder, should I offer you a chair?
Well if you sit down with this old clown,
Take that frown and break it,
Before the evening's gone away,
I think that we could make it,
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you.
Well the night does funny things inside a man
These old tom-cat feelings you don't understand,
Well I turn around to look at you,
You light a cigarette,
I wish I had the guts to bum one,
But we've never met,
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you.
I can see that you are lonesome just like me,
And it being late, you'd like some some company,
Well I turn around to look at you,
And you look back at me,
The guy you're with has up and split,
The chair next to you's free,
And I hope that you don't fall in love with me.
Now it's closing time, the music's fading out
Last call for drinks, I'll have another stout.
Well I turn around to look at you,
You're nowhere to be found,
I search the place for your lost face,
Guess I'll have another round
And I think that I just fell in love with you.